New Patient Orientation
If there is any needs of the persons served; financial difficulties, service coordination, Etc. Please request to speak to the Program Manager and he will get back to you within 24 hours.
Your Responsibilities
- I agree to keep and be on time for all my scheduled appointments with the doctor and/or his assistant.
- I agree to conduct myself in a courteous manner in the physician’s or clinic’s office.
- I agree to pay all office fees for this treatment at the time of my visit. Failure to do so is cause for immediate termination of services.
- I understand if I arrive at the office intoxicated or under the influence of drugs or alcohol, I will not be seen by a clinician and will not receive a prescription until my next scheduled appointment. Immediate termination may ensue. Urine drug screens and medication counts will be random.
- I agree not to sell, share, or give any of my medication(s) to another person. I understand that such mishandling of my medication is a serious violation of this agreement (and the law) and would result in my treatment being terminated without recourse for appeal.
- I understand that the use of suboxone by someone who is using opioids could cause them to experience severe withdrawals. Stopping buprenorphine in itself can cause prolonged opiate withdrawals.
- I agree not to deal, steal, or conduct any other illegal or disruptive activities in, or in the vicinity of, Bell Eve.
- I understand that I will receive my prescription(s) at my regular office visits. Any missed office visits will result in my not being able to get medication until the next scheduled visit. The failure to plan on your part does not constitute an emergency on our part.
- I agree that the medication I receive is my responsibility and that I will keep it in a safe, secure place. I will purchase a lockbox or show proof of a safe at home.
- I understand that Bell Eve is not responsible for lost, stolen, or destroyed medication. This medication will not be replaced.
- I agree that I will not obtain medications from any physicians, pharmacists, or other sources without informing Bell Eve. I understand that mixing buprenorphine with other medications, especially benzodiazepines, can result in death or disability. I also understand that a number of deaths have been reported in persons mixing buprenorphine with other drugs or alcohol.
- I agree to take my medication as the doctor, or his assistant prescribed, I will not change the dose without first consulting the doctor.
- I understand that medication alone is not sufficient treatment for my disease, and I agree to participate in patient education and a relapse prevention program, to assist me in my treatment.
- I understand that my suboxone and/or other controlled substance treatment may be discontinued, and I may be discharged from the practice if I violate any of this agreement or further requirements requested by Bell Eve.
- I understand that there are alternatives to suboxone treatment for opioid addiction including a. medical withdrawal and drug-free treatment b. naltrexone treatment c. methadone treatment. The doctor will discuss these with me and provide a referral if I request this.
- I agree to abstain from using alcohol and all illicit drugs while I am receiving services from Bell Eve Treatment Center. I understand If I test positive for any drug not medically prescribed I may be discharged.
- I agree to a random drug test at any time. If I’m called I will report to the office within 24 hours. A failed drug screen will not constitute an immediate discharge. Failure to report to random or scheduled pill count or drug screen will result in being discharged. If I do not provide a urine sample, it will count as a positive drug test.
- I understand that Bell Eve may request a random pill count. If a pill count is requested I will report to the office within 24 hours.
Your Rights
- All persons receiving services from Bell Eve, Inc shall retain all rights, benefits, and privileges guaranteed by Federal, State, and local law, except those specifically lost through the due process of law.
- Persons served have the right to live in the community of their choice without restraints on their independence, except those restraints to which all citizens are subject.
- Persons served have the right to be treated with courtesy and dignity. They are at all times entitled to respect for their individuality and the recognition that their strengths, abilities, needs, and preferences are not determinable based on a psychiatric diagnosis.
- Persons served have the right to be notified of all rights accorded them as recipients of services at the time of admission or intake and in terms that they understand.
- Persons served have the right to be treated in the least restrictive setting to meet their needs. Bell Eve, Inc has zero tolerance for restraint or seclusion.
- Persons served have the right to receive services conducted in a manner reflecting quality professional and ethical standards of practice and shall be apprised of the organization’s code of ethics/conduct.
- Persons served have the right to receive services without discrimination based on race, color, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, national origin, domestic/marital status, political affiliation or opinion, veteran’s status, physical/mental handicap, or ability to pay for services.
- Persons served have the right to be treated in an environment free from actions on the part of the staff as follows:
- Physical abuse
- Sexual abuse
- Physical punishment
- Psychological abuse by threatening, intimidating, harassing, or humiliating actions
- Financial or other exploitation
- Retaliation
- Neglect
- Persons served have the right to be fully informed of the services provided, consent to services, refuse services (except for legally mandated services), and withdraw without fear of retribution or loss of rights.
- Persons served have the right to make care decisions, including; service delivery, concurrent services, and composition of the service delivery team.
- Persons served have the right to privacy during facility visits. Individuals and/or group visits are permitted only when the purpose of the visitation is educational or professional. Planning for outside visitors shall provide for limited interruption of the routine or the persons served, therapeutic or rehabilitative programs, and related activities. Persons served will be given notice of such visitation.
- Persons served have the right to confidentiality. Information may not be released without the person’s served written permission, except as the law permits or requires.
- Persons served, or the person’s served legal guardians, have the right to review the person’s record at any reasonable time upon request, including before an authorized release, and shall be afforded the assistance of an appropriate clinical employee in cases where a reasonable concern exists of a possibly harmful effect to the person served through the misinterpretation of information in the record.
- When appropriate, persons served along with family or significant other(s) have the right to participate in their treatment and treatment planning. Persons served have a right to fully explain the nature of treatment and any known or potential risks involved.
- Persons served have the right to an individualized, written treatment plan to be developed promptly following admission, treatment based on the plan, periodic review and reassessment of needs, and appropriate revisions of the plan, including a description of services that may be needed following discharge.
- Persons served have the right to request and receive outside/external professional consultation regarding their treatment at their own expense.
- Legally competent persons served have the right to refuse treatment, except in emergencies or other circumstances required by law. Persons served shall not be denied treatment, services, or referral as a form of reprisal, except that no individual provider shall be obligated to administer treatment or use methods contrary to his or her clinical judgment.
- Persons served shall have access to written information about fees for services and their rights regarding fees for services and will not be refused services due to an inability to pay.
- Persons served have the right to an explanation if services are refused for any reason, including admission ineligibility or continued care ineligibility, and have the right to appeal such decisions.
- Persons served have the right to informal complaints and/or formal grievances regarding practices or decisions that impact their treatment or status without fear or concern for reprisal by the organization or its staff and have the right to have this process clearly communicated to them upon entry to services and throughout participation in services.
- Persons served have the right to refuse to participate in research without loss of services and participate in research on a voluntary basis only with full written informed consent.
- Persons served have the right to access guardians, self-help groups, advocacy services, and legal services anytime. Access will be facilitated through the person responsible for the person’s service coordination.
- Persons served have the right to be treated in the least restrictive environment, be provided evidence-based information about alternative treatments, have access to their records, and have equal access to treatment regardless of race, ethnicity, color, national origin, culture, language, spiritual beliefs, socioeconomic status, gender, age, sexual orientation, domestic/marital status, political affiliation or opinion, veteran’s status, physical/mental handicap and sources of payment or ability to pay for services.
- Persons served have the right to be informed of appeal procedures, initiate appeals, have access to grievance procedures, receive a grievance appeal decision in writing, and appeal a grievance decision to an unbiased source.
- Persons served have the right to be protected from the behavioral disruptions of other persons served.
Entrance For Bell Eve, INC
- Referrals are accepted from various sources, including primary care prescribers, needle syringe exchange programs, hospital emergency rooms, inpatient units, jails, drug courts, and self-referrals.
- Staff considers the following when evaluating a referral:
- Patient must meet the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.; DSM-5) criteria for a moderate to severe OUD or SUD.
- Meet the ASAM Level of Care Criteria for an OBOT program.
- Patient must be in stable mental and physical health or engaged in appropriate treatment to address these issues.
- Patient must be willing to comply with program requirements.
- Patient must agree with the goals of the OBOT program, which are to:
- Prevent or reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings for substances through use of medications.
- Restore normal physiological functions that may have been disrupted by drug use and improve quality of life.
- Address any psychiatric problems.
- Address other medical issues, including preventive health and co-morbidities that may be the results of substance use.
- Patient must be able to meet the following logistic requirements:
- Can attend required visits during hours of office operation.
- Can comply with visit and counseling recommendations.
- Patient must not have chronic pain issues requiring additional opioid management beyond buprenorphine/naloxone. Patients with co-occurring OUD and chronic pain can often obtain adequate pain relief with buprenorphine in conjunction with other non-opioid therapies.
- Patient’s required level of care cannot exceed higher levels of care with more intensive management (e.g., daily monitoring and assessment, medication administration because of advanced psychiatric illness).
- Patient must be willing to work toward recovery goals and abstinence from other illicit substances and not drinking alcohol.
Transition/Discharge Criteria
OBOT staff consider the following when evaluating a discharge/transfer to a higher level of care:
- Missing scheduled appointments with the clinical staff.
- Not conducting themselves in a courteous manner in the physician’s or clinic’s office.
- Not paying all office fees for this treatment during the visit.
- Arriving at the office intoxicated or under the influence of drugs or alcohol,
- Selling, sharing, or giving any of my medication(s) to another person
- Dealing, stealing, or conduct any other illegal or disruptive activities in or near Bell Eve, INC.
- Three failed drug screens in 6 months.
- If the person served has discontinued or tapered off Buprenorphine.
Readmission Criteria
Eligible for readmission criteria are as follows:
- Having only been discharged once from Bell Eve, INC, excluding being discharged for the following reasons:
- Inappropriate behavior,
- Aggressive behavior,
- Selling, sharing, or giving any of my medication(s) to another person,
- Dealing, stealing, or conducting any other illegal or disruptive activities in or near Bell Eve.
- If a person served has been discharged for failed drug screens, the person served must successfully complete a higher level of care.
- If a person served has been discharged for the failure of payment must pay off the full balance, and all future payments will be paid in full.
Ineligible for readmission criteria are as follows:
- Having been discharged more than once.
- Being discharged for the following reasons:
- Inappropriate behavior,
- Aggressive behavior,
- Selling, sharing, or giving any of my medication(s) to another person,
- Dealing, stealing, or conducting any other illegal or disruptive activities in or in the vicinity of Bell Eve.
- Or anything else the management deems appropriate.
If A Person Is Found Ineligible For Services
It is the policy of Bell Eve Inc, that when a person is found to be ineligible for services is given the reasons and directed to alternative or more appropriate services. This is as follows:
- Informing persons as to why they are ineligible gives them the opportunity to target a service delivery system more effectively.
- In some situations, the referral source provides the information for the screening and will be informed about reasons for ineligibility without specific consent.
- When an individual is not accepted into the program, suggestions are offered to improve the person’s future successful admission.
Notice of HIPAA Privacy Practices
Can be found at
Code of Ethical Conduct
This code of conduct applies to all BELL EVE, INC operational activities and administrative actions. It includes those activities that come within federal and state regulations relating to health care providers. Of particular importance to BELL EVE, INC is to maintain a health care and business environment that is committed to integrity and ethical conduct, particularly in the areas of legal compliance, business ethics, confidentiality, conflict of interest, business and consumer relationships, documentation and billing practices, personnel and confidential employee information, investigation and response, discipline and evaluation, and professional ethics. Therefore, this code of conduct applies to all BELL EVE, INC employees, volunteers, trainees, and interns, in the performance of work for BELL EVE, INC, which is under the direct control of BELL EVE, INC. All contract providers and subcontractors that provide services directly or indirectly to persons served are expected to follow principles that promote ethical health care and uphold the integrity of ethical business practice.
The code of conduct is intended to establish ethical standards of care and ethical business practices as a framework for BELL EVE, INC employees, volunteers, trainees, and interns in the performance of work. It is not intended to set forth all of the substantive practices that are an intricate fiber of high-quality care. Each BELL EVE, INC employee, volunteer, trainee, and intern is expected to be familiar with and is obligated to adhere to the standards set forth in this Code of Conduct or incorporated by reference herein and in BELL EVE, INC policies.
The obligation of BELL EVE, INC Employees, Volunteers, Trainees, and Interns
Each individual is obligated to conduct themselves in accordance with:
- Standards set forth in this Code of Conduct;
- Applicable federal and state laws and regulations;
- BELL EVE, INC policies, including general policies and those applicable to specific job, position or function;
- Standards of conduct incumbent upon an individual by virtue of holding state licensure or registration; and
- Ethical standards binding on an individual as a practitioner of a particular profession.
Professional ethics
An employee who is a member of a health care profession required to be licensed or registered under the Florida Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development’s Division of Professional Licensing is responsible for obtaining his or her license or registration and renewals thereof on a timely basis. A health care professional shall render professional services only within the scope of his or her license or registration and in a manner that conforms to applicable standards of care and to the ethics of his or her profession. No employee that is a licensed professional is permitted to render professional services unless he or she possesses all valid, current, and unrestricted state and federal licenses, registrations and certifications necessary to legally practice his or her profession and has been credentialed and privileged as provided in BELL EVE, INC policies.
Business Ethics
Financial Standards – All financial information must reflect actual transactions and conform to generally acceptable accounting principles. No undisclosed or unrecorded funds or assets may be established. Transactions must be authorized, recorded and documented as provided by law and BELL EVE, INC policy.
Kickbacks – Each BELL EVE, INC employee, volunteer, trainee, and intern is prohibited from offering, soliciting, or accepting money or anything else of value from an BELL EVE, INC vendor or provider except as provided herein. (See attachment B for additional clarification.)
An employee, volunteer, trainee, and intern may share in a gift of goods or services from a vendor or provider if, and only if:
- The gift consists of goods delivered to BELL EVE, INC premises;
- Is used or consumed on the premises;
- The gift is not intended for the personal use or benefit of specific individuals;
The gift does not violate federal and state laws and regulations that prohibit soliciting or accepting anything of value in exchange for influencing purchase of goods or services or the referral of consumers for services.
Marketing and Media – BELL EVE, INC news releases, marketing campaigns and advertising materials shall not be deceptive or misleading by omission or commission.
Market Competition – To ensure compliance, BELL EVE, INC policy and business practices prohibit setting charges in collusion with competitors and entering into certain exclusive arrangements with vendors. Additional information concerning antitrust issues can be obtained from the Compliance Officer.
Outside Employment – BELL EVE, INC employees shall not represent or act as an agent, compensated or uncompensated, for any outside interest in any transaction in which BELL EVE, INC has a direct or substantial interest, pecuniary or otherwise. Nor shall any employee accept any outside engagement or employment the pursuit of which conflicts with the ability of the employee to discharge properly his or her duties to BELL EVE, INC. Outside employment shall be disclosed to and approved as defined in the BELL EVE, INC policies.
Procurement – Vendors of goods and services shall be selected based on objective criteria including quality, technical excellence, price, delivery, and adherence to schedules, service, and maintenance of adequate sources of supply. Where required by law or contract, procurement shall be by competitive bid. Where procurement is by secret bid, no employee, volunteer, trainee, or intern shall directly or indirectly disclose any information to any bidder or potential bidder if such disclosure would confer or tend to confer any competitive advantage.
Trading on Inside Information – BELL EVE, INC employees may not engage in or retain the profits of any private activity, business or transaction arising out of or in any way related to information acquired in the course and scope of their employment or other relationship with BELL EVE, INC.
Improper Referrals – Referrals of consumers for services outside BELL EVE, INC are important to the delivery of proper care to persons served. If a referring health care professional or a member of his or her immediate family has an ownership or financial interest in an entity to which a consumer is referred, and payment for the referred services will be made by any federally-funded health care program (e.g., Medicare, Medicaid), federal and state laws may forbid the referral. No employee may make a referral in violation of such laws. Additional information concerning referral restrictions can be obtained from the Compliance Officer
Billing and Claims – BELL EVE, INC is committed to charging, billing and submitting claims for reimbursement only when the services have been provided and documented in the manner required by laws, regulations, policies and applicable standards of care. All employees should know and carefully follow the applicable rules for submission of bills and claims for reimbursement, whether those claims are submitted to BELL EVE, INC for payment or to a third party for payment by BELL EVE, INC. Any employee that knows or suspects that a bill or claim for reimbursement is incorrect is required to report the matter immediately to a supervisor or to the Compliance Officer.
Workplace Conduct and Employment Practices
Employment Discrimination – BELL EVE, INC and its employees, volunteers, trainees, interns shall abide by any and all applicable federal and/or state equal opportunity statutes, rules, and regulations including, without limitation, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Fair Labor Standards Act, the Americans with Disability Act, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Occupational Health and Safety Act of 1970, all as may from time to time be modified or amended.
Controlled Substances – BELL EVE, INC prohibits the consumption of alcohol and the unlawful possession, use, manufacture or distribution of illicit drugs or alcohol on or in its property, including BELL EVE, INC owned or leased vehicles. In addition, no employee, volunteer, trainee, intern shall consume alcohol or be under the influence of illicit drugs or alcohol while acting in the course and scope of his or her employment or while operating a BELL EVE, INC vehicle. All health care professionals, including those who maintain DEA registration, must comply with all Federal and State laws regulating controlled substances. An employee, volunteer, trainee, intern who knows or suspects the consumption, unlawful or unauthorized possession, use, manufacture or distribution of illicit drugs or alcohol by another employee, volunteer, trainee, intern in violation of this paragraph must promptly notify his or her supervisor or the Compliance Officer.
Harassment – Unlawful harassment is any unwelcome conduct, whether verbal, physical or visual, that is based on a person’s race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, height, weight, marital status, veteran status or disability or any other legally protected characteristic.
Sexual Harassment – Sexual harassment is prohibited. Sexual harassment consists of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when submission to or rejection of such conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual’s employment, interferes with an individual’s work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.
Weapons – In order to ensure a safe environment for employees and clients, The Center prohibits the wearing, transporting, storage or presence of firearms or other dangerous weapons in facilities either owned or staffed by The Center. Any employee in possession of a firearm or other weapon while in Center facilities or while fulfilling job responsibilities may face disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Under no circumstances can an employee transporting a client carry any weapon in their own vehicle or a Center- owned vehicle.
A client or visitor who violates this policy may be removed from the property and reported to police authorities. Possession of a valid concealed weapons permit authorized by the State of Florida is not an exemption. “No Firearms or Other Dangerous Weapons” signs are conspicuously posted on the main entry doors of all Center facilities. This prohibition does not apply to any law enforcement personnel engaged in official duties or required to carry their weapon. Weapons include, but are not limited to, guns, swords, knives with blades over 4 inches in length or explosives.
Personal Use of BELL EVE, INC Resources – Except as provided herein, an employee, volunteer, trainee, intern’s use of BELL EVE, INC property, equipment or other tangible assets for personal purposes without the prior written approval of the employee, volunteer, trainee, intern’s supervisor is prohibited. The occasional personal use of BELL EVE, INC property, equipment and tangible assets (e.g., making local phone calls and sending personal e-mail over organization communications equipment) is acceptable where BELL EVE, INC incurs no direct expense in connection with such personal use. Employees, volunteers, trainees, interns may not contribute BELL EVE, INC funds or property to any charity without prior written authorization of the CEO or his or her designee.
Nepotism – An employee, volunteer, trainee, intern shall not advocate a relative for appointment, employment, promotion, or advancement. An employee, volunteer, trainee, intern shall not appoint, employ, promote, or advance a relative to any position over which he or she has supervisory responsibility. For the purpose of this section, the term “relative” means an individual related to the employee by blood or marriage. For the purpose of this section, the term “advocate” means the referral or recommendation of a relative to a employee, volunteer, trainee, intern standing lower in the same chain of command for appointment, employment, promotion, or advancement.
Political Activities and Contributions – An employee, volunteer, trainee, or intern may not directly or indirectly contribute BELL EVE, INC property, equipment, funds, resources or other tangible or intangible assets or the use thereof to political campaigns, candidates, political parties or any agent or affiliate thereof. Prohibited conduct includes, but is not limited to, the use of work time and/or BELL EVE, INC equipment to solicit or canvas on behalf of a political cause or candidate. No employee, volunteer, trainee, intern shall publicly or privately represent his or her political views as those of the BELL EVE, INC.
How To Provide Input If You Are Client
Bell Eve INC is committed to actively seeking information from persons served and their families and is to provide services that utilize that information to ensure that the needs and preferences of all stakeholders are consistently met.
- Process:
The process of seeking and utilizing input from stakeholders contains the following basic components:
- Obtaining input from persons served, and their families on a regular basis. Bell Eve INC mechanisms to solicit and collect information are to include but not be limited to:
- Surveys (either handwritten or online through
- Google reviews
- face-to-face meetings
- telephone conversations
How to use for:
- Survey
- Grievance
Client Survey Request
There is an entrance survey, an exit survey and program participant satisfaction survey for each client type. A guardian survey is also available for child and youth services. The entrance and exit surveys are quite brief while the client satisfaction surveys are much longer. The client satisfaction surveys gather much more of the information that CARF requires collected. All surveys are taken anonymously. Hard copies are available for download. If using a paper copy you will need to have a staff member enter the results for inclusion in the survey report.
Please follow the instructions below and fill out the Client Survey at Accreditation Now. The Survey is anonymous.
1) Open up your Internet Browser and go to
2) Place your cursor on the blue Menu Tab that says “Client” and select Client Survey.
3) The Login ID you need to enter is:
4) The Password you need to enter is:
5) Please select the following survey.
Behavioral Health Client Entrance Survey
Behavioral Health Client Exit Survey
Behavioral Health Client Satisfaction Survey.
6) Score all the questions and then enter any comments you may have.
How To File A Grievance
Go to Click on the Client tab and select Client Grievance Reporting.
Enter Login 10061481 and Password Jollycomet and click on the LOG IN button.
Mandatory fields include Date, Time, Location (if applicable), Name, Phone and Email. The Address fields are optional.
- Describe your complaint, providing as much detail as possible.
- Describe why you believe the action was wrongful, illegal, or unlawful.
- Describe the resolution, or desired outcome, you are seeking.
- To add witnesses, type in the name and click on the + symbol.
Enter a password that you may use to retrieve a response from your grievance officer.
Select Submit.
You will see a box that contains our company number and report number. You will need this information, along with the password you created, to retrieve a response from the grievance officer.
How To Check On Your Grievance
Grievances will be responded to within seven days of receipt. To retrieve a response, click on the Client tab and then Client Grievance Report Status.
Enter the Company Number, Bell Eve, Inc, the Report Number (provided when you submitted the report), and the Password you created when you submitted the report. Click the Login button.
Smoking and Tobacco Use
POLICY: Bell Eve, Inc is committed to providing a safe, healthy, comfortable, and productive atmosphere for staff, persons served, as well as other visitors and therefore; smoking and/or any tobacco products, are not permitted anywhere inside the facility, during company time, or at any company-sponsored events.
Weapons-free Workplace
POLICY: It is the policy of Bell Eve, Inc to ensure the safety of persons served, staff members, volunteers, family/supports, and stakeholders. To this end, the organization enacts the prohibition of dangerous weapons on company property by anyone, other than law enforcement acting in an official capacity.
Legal And Illegal Drugs, Alcohol, And Medications
POLICY: Bell Eve, Inc is committed to maintaining a healthy and productive environment. Bell Eve, Inc recognizes that the use of illegal drugs, misuse of legal drugs, and the abuse of alcohol can impair job performance and can be a serious threat to the safety, health, and productivity of staff, volunteers, persons served, or other visitors. Bell Eve, Inc will minimize the risks involved by ensuring that all staff, volunteers, persons served, and visitors are aware of this policy as part of our orientation and onboarding processes. This applies equally to work performed on company property or during company business.
Provide a healthy and safe environment free of impairment and dependency that aligns with our mission, values, and culture Bell Eve, Inc aims to deter the misuse of alcohol, drugs, or prescription medication and comply with legislative, regulatory, and contractual requirements.
Illegal drugs:
- Use of illicit drugs by staff, volunteers, persons served, or visitors in the office or during company business is prohibited. This includes marijuana in any form.
- Under no circumstances is possessing, selling, distributing, or trafficking allowed on company property or during company business.
- If illegal drugs are brought into the facility, the appropriate authorities will be immediately notified. Appropriate authorities may include parents, guardians, or 911. Staff or volunteers will not confiscate or hold any drugs. A Critical Incident form is to be completed to document the incident.
- Violation of the policies or procedures will include disciplinary action and/or termination.
- Persons served, or visitors who bring illegal drugs into the facility will be reviewed for continued services and access to the facility by the Program Manager.
- The organization is not responsible for the medication management (i.e. controlling, administering or prescribing) for persons served, staff, volunteer, and/or other stakeholders.
- Signage is posted regarding a drug-free environment and included in the onboarding activities.
Legal Medication (may include over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, herbs, and alcohol):
- Medication should never be left unattended or shared for any reason. Medication should be used according to label directions.
- Consult the appropriate health care professional before taking medication that may lead to drowsiness, dizziness, weakness, or other adverse effects that may contribute to safety issues while working or being on company grounds.
- Leftover or expired medications (e.g., prescription, over-the-counter, homeopathic, pet medicines, vitamins, minerals, and herbal remedies) should not be flushed down workplace toilets or drains, placed in the workplace garbage, or buried on the property. They should be taken to the proper place for safe disposal.
- While in the workplace, all medication(s) will be kept in the original container, safely secured, and out of sight (e.g., locked vehicle, in pockets, purses, or in a locked container or drawer.)
Financial Obligations, Fees and Financial Arrangements For Services
PAYER SOURCES: Medicare, and Self-Pay. Fees are $170 for a month of care and $85 for 2 weeks of care. Contact our financial advocate at (321) 636-4357 for additional information regarding your insurance coverage.
In The Event Of A Fire Emergency
It is the policy of Bell Eve, INC to protect persons served, staff members, visitors, and property in the event of a fire emergency in which services are being provided and need to be evacuated.
- Specific procedures will be maintained for fire emergencies and the evacuation of the facilities. Emergency fire and evacuation drills will be conducted at each facility on an annual basis. The Safety Officer will be responsible for coordination of the drills and completing the Safety Drill Form following the drill. A copy of the form will be maintained in a safety binder at the site location, and distributed during reporting to the Management Team.
- Fire Procedures: The following are the overall components of the organization’s fire emergency plans. These serve as basic approaches to responding to fire emergencies; however, each site may have additional components due to the nature of the physical layout of the facility and local regulatory requirements. It is the responsibility of the facility Safety Officer to ensure that the special needs and characteristics of each facility are addressed in additional policy and procedure, if appropriate, and that these special needs and characteristics are communicated to all affected persons and the management team. The components of the organization’s fire emergency plans are as follows:
1) In the event of the discovery of a fire, evacuate all individuals from the immediate area.
2) Close all doors to contain the fire.
3) If the fire is small, attempt to contain it by using a fire extinguisher.
4) Announce that there is a fire in the building and the need to immediately evacuate.
5) Call 911 and report the fire, providing the name and address of the site.
6) Assist in the evacuation process and account for all persons served, employees, and visitors.
7) To expedite the evacuation process, all ambulatory persons served and visitors are evacuated first, followed by staff members who will assist all others in evacuation.
8) All persons will be evacuated and assembled at a location that is pre-determined by each facility as the evacuation assembly area.
9) The safety officer or designee will provide any special information to arriving emergency personnel such as size and location of fire and location of any flammable or explosive items, and will relinquish control of the situation to the local authorities.
10) The fire department will be the final authority in determining building re-entry.
11) If the facility cannot be re-occupied, the designated employee in charge of managing the site will manage, through consultation with the (place responsible position here), the continuation of essential services, as per those procedures contained in this policy.
12) The Program Manager will be notified as soon as possible of the incident and an incident report will be completed and processed as per the Critical Incident Policy.
In The Event Of A Bomb Threat
It is the policy of Bell Eve, INC to provide prompt attention and appropriate assistance to protect staff, volunteers, persons served, family/support, and stakeholders in the event of a bomb threat, and the need for evacuation. All potential emergencies cannot be anticipated; therefore, emergency plans shall provide for adaptability to multiple situations.
- The Safety Officer(s) is/are responsible for oversight of emergency disaster plans and drills and ensuring that all the organization’s facilities are well prepared to respond effectively to any emergency.
- Specific procedures will be maintained for response to bomb threats.
- Drill(s) of this procedure will be performed at least annually, and documented results as per facility procedures.
- The following are the overall components of the organization’s bomb threat response. The overall components of the organization’s a bomb threat emergency plan is as follows:
1.) In the event of a bomb threat received by telephone (for example, a call in which an individual indicates a bomb has been placed within or near the facility):
- Obtain as much information as possible from the caller, noting details of voice, speech patterns, and any background noise.
- Ask where the bomb is and when it will go off. Document any information that is provided by the caller.
2.) If the threat is received by letter or note:
- Do not handle the letter or note any more than is necessary so evidence is not compromised.
3.) If you notice a package, container, briefcase, or other object that is unattended and is out of place within the facility, it does not have common identifiable markings or labeling, and is not recognized as belonging to staff, volunteer, person served, visiting family/support, or stakeholder, proceed as follows:
- Upon the discovery of a suspicious object/package/container, do not touch or move it.
- Ask people in the area the object was discovered if they know what it is or if it belongs to someone.
- If no one claims the object or it cannot be identified, notify Program Manager. This individual will determine if the facility should be evacuated and law enforcement authorities summoned, based on further investigation within the facility regarding the ownership of the suspicious package, container, briefcase or other type of unattended object.
- If the object/package cannot not be identified or is not claimed and identified by someone within the facility, evacuate the entire building following the evacuation plan, and summon/contact law enforcement authorities.
- Wait for the arrival of law enforcement authorities outside the building in the designated safe areas. Turn over the management of the unidentified object to law enforcement upon their arrival.
- Re-enter the building and resume services only after clearance is obtained from law enforcement managing the situation.
4.) In all situations involving the threat of a bomb, follow these procedures:
- Remain calm and do not alarm other staff, persons served, family/support, volunteers, or stakeholders.
- Immediately seek the Clinic Director or Safety Officer to discuss the situation.
- The clinic director/manager, and/or the safety officer, are responsible for contacting the police and activating the evacuation procedures. On arrival of law enforcement, ¬¬¬ Program Manager should be the point of contact for the authority.
- As noted, evacuation will be handled as per the organizational/facility evacuation policy and procedures.
- In situations where the building/facility has been evacuated, the police or other authorities will assess the situation and, if the present danger is terminated, will then inform the point of contact about facility reentry. Only the police authority may activate the “all clear” and only then may anyone enter the building.
- Following the “all clear”, crisis debriefing procedures and critical incident reporting will be followed.
5.) In the event of a bomb threat received by telephone (for example, a call in which an individual indicates a bomb has been placed within or near the facility):
- Obtain as much information as possible from the caller, noting details of voice, speech patterns, and any background noise.
- Ask where the bomb is and when it will go off. Document any information that is provided by the caller.
6.) If the threat is received by letter or note:
- Do not handle the letter or note any more than is necessary so evidence is not compromised.
7.) If you notice a package, container, briefcase, or other object that is unattended and is out of place within the facility, it does not have common identifiable markings or labeling, and is not recognized as belonging to staff, volunteer, person served, visiting family/support, or stakeholder, proceed as follows:
- Upon the discovery of a suspicious object/package/container, do not touch or move it.
- Ask people in the area the object was discovered if they know what it is or if it belongs to someone.
- If no one claims the object or it cannot be identified, notify Program Manager. This individual will determine if the facility should be evacuated and law enforcement authorities summoned, based on further investigation within the facility regarding the ownership of the suspicious package, container, briefcase or other type of unattended object.
- If the object/package cannot not be identified or is not claimed and identified by someone within the facility, evacuate the entire building following the evacuation plan, and summon/contact law enforcement authorities.
- Wait for the arrival of law enforcement authorities outside the building in the designated safe areas. Turn over the management of the unidentified object to law enforcement upon their arrival.
- Re-enter the building and resume services only after clearance is obtained from law enforcement managing the situation.
8.) In all situations involving the threat of a bomb, follow these procedures:
- Remain calm and do not alarm other staff, persons served, family/support, volunteers, or stakeholders.
- Immediately seek the Clinic Director or Safety Officer to discuss the situation.
- The clinic director/manager, and/or the safety officer, are responsible for contacting the police and activating the evacuation procedures. On arrival of law enforcement,¬¬¬ Program Manager should be the point of contact for the authority.
- As noted, evacuation will be handled as per the organizational/facility evacuation policy and procedures.
- In situations where the building/facility has been evacuated, the police or other authorities will assess the situation and, if the present danger is terminated, will then inform the point of contact about facility reentry. Only the police authority may activate the “all clear” and only then may anyone enter the building.
- Following the “all clear”, crisis debriefing procedures and critical incident reporting will be followed.
In The Event Of Severe Weather And Natural Disasters
It is the policy of Bell Eve, INC to provide prompt attention and appropriate assistance to protect staff, volunteers, persons served, family/support, and stakeholders in the event of a bomb threat, and the need for evacuation. All potential emergencies cannot be anticipated; therefore, emergency plans shall provide for adaptability to multiple situations.
- The Safety Officer(s) is/are responsible for oversight of emergency disaster plans and drills and ensuring that all the organization’s facilities are well prepared to respond effectively to any emergency.
- Specific procedures will be maintained for response to bomb threats.
- Drill(s) of this procedure will be performed at least annually, and documented results as per facility procedures.
- The following are the overall components of the organization’s bomb threat response. The overall components of the organization’s a bomb threat emergency plan is as follows:
1.) In the event of a bomb threat received by telephone (for example, a call in which an individual indicates a bomb has been placed within or near the facility):
- Obtain as much information as possible from the caller, noting details of voice, speech patterns, and any background noise.
- Ask where the bomb is and when it will go off. Document any information that is provided by the caller.
2.) If the threat is received by letter or note:
- Do not handle the letter or note any more than is necessary so evidence is not compromised.
3.) If you notice a package, container, briefcase, or other object that is unattended and is out of place within the facility, it does not have common identifiable markings or labeling, and is not recognized as belonging to staff, volunteer, person served, visiting family/support, or stakeholder, proceed as follows:
- Upon the discovery of a suspicious object/package/container, do not touch or move it.
- Ask people in the area the object was discovered if they know what it is or if it belongs to someone.
- If no one claims the object or it cannot be identified, notify Program Manager. This individual will determine if the facility should be evacuated and law enforcement authorities summoned, based on further investigation within the facility regarding the ownership of the suspicious package, container, briefcase or other type of unattended object.
- If the object/package cannot not be identified or is not claimed and identified by someone within the facility, evacuate the entire building following the evacuation plan, and summon/contact law enforcement authorities.
- Wait for the arrival of law enforcement authorities outside the building in the designated safe areas. Turn over the management of the unidentified object to law enforcement upon their arrival.
- Re-enter the building and resume services only after clearance is obtained from law enforcement managing the situation.
4.) In all situations involving the threat of a bomb, follow these procedures:
- Remain calm and do not alarm other staff, persons served, family/support, volunteers, or stakeholders.
- Immediately seek the Clinic Director or Safety Officer to discuss the situation.
- The clinic director/manager, and/or the safety officer, are responsible for contacting the police and activating the evacuation procedures. On arrival of law enforcement, ¬¬¬ Program Manager should be the point of contact for the authority.
- As noted, evacuation will be handled as per the organizational/facility evacuation policy and procedures.
- In situations where the building/facility has been evacuated, the police or other authorities will assess the situation and, if the present danger is terminated, will then inform the point of contact about facility reentry. Only the police authority may activate the “all clear” and only then may anyone enter the building.
- Following the “all clear”, crisis debriefing procedures and critical incident reporting will be followed.
5.) In the event of a bomb threat received by telephone (for example, a call in which an individual indicates a bomb has been placed within or near the facility):
- Obtain as much information as possible from the caller, noting details of voice, speech patterns, and any background noise.
- Ask where the bomb is and when it will go off. Document any information that is provided by the caller.
6.) If the threat is received by letter or note:
- Do not handle the letter or note any more than is necessary so evidence is not compromised.
7.) If you notice a package, container, briefcase, or other object that is unattended and is out of place within the facility, it does not have common identifiable markings or labeling, and is not recognized as belonging to staff, volunteer, person served, visiting family/support, or stakeholder, proceed as follows:
- Upon the discovery of a suspicious object/package/container, do not touch or move it.
- Ask people in the area the object was discovered if they know what it is or if it belongs to someone.
- If no one claims the object or it cannot be identified, notify Program Manager. This individual will determine if the facility should be evacuated and law enforcement authorities summoned, based on further investigation within the facility regarding the ownership of the suspicious package, container, briefcase or other type of unattended object.
- If the object/package cannot not be identified or is not claimed and identified by someone within the facility, evacuate the entire building following the evacuation plan, and summon/contact law enforcement authorities.
- Wait for the arrival of law enforcement authorities outside the building in the designated safe areas. Turn over the management of the unidentified object to law enforcement upon their arrival.
- Re-enter the building and resume services only after clearance is obtained from law enforcement managing the situation.
8.) In all situations involving the threat of a bomb, follow these procedures:
- Remain calm and do not alarm other staff, persons served, family/support, volunteers, or stakeholders.
- Immediately seek the Clinic Director or Safety Officer to discuss the situation.
- The clinic director/manager, and/or the safety officer, are responsible for contacting the police and activating the evacuation procedures. On arrival of law enforcement,¬¬¬ Program Manager should be the point of contact for the authority.
- As noted, evacuation will be handled as per the organizational/facility evacuation policy and procedures.
- In situations where the building/facility has been evacuated, the police or other authorities will assess the situation and, if the present danger is terminated, will then inform the point of contact about facility reentry. Only the police authority may activate the “all clear” and only then may anyone enter the building.
- Following the “all clear”, crisis debriefing procedures and critical incident reporting will be followed.
In The Event Of A Power Failure
It is the policy of Bell Eve, INC to protect persons served, staff members, visitors, and property in the event of a power failure. All potential emergencies cannot be anticipated; therefore, emergency plans shall provide for adaptability to multiple situations.
- The Safety Officer is responsible for oversight of emergency disaster plans and drills and ensuring that all of the organization’s facilities are well prepared to respond effectively to any emergency.
- Specific procedures will be maintained for power failures. In addition, power failure drills will be conducted at all service sites on an annual basis.
- The following are the overall components of the organization’s power failure plans. These serve as basic approaches to responding to power failures; however, individual service sites may have additional components due to the nature of the physical layout of the facility, types of programs and services, special populations, and local regulatory requirements. It is the responsibility of the Program Manager to ensure that the special needs and characteristics of each facility are addressed in additional policy and procedure, and that these special needs and characteristics are communicated to all affected persons and the health and safety committee. The overall components of the organization’s power failure emergency plan is as follows:
1) A power failure is defined as a full or partial power outage that affects the ability of the organization to provide a normal range of services and operations and may compromise the safety of occupants of the facility.
2) In the event of a power failure, remain calm. If in an interior office without natural light or emergency lighting, utilize the personal flashlight provided for safe egress to evacuate to a hallway area. Assist persons served to the lighted area, if necessary. If emergency lighting is not available, in hallway areas, continue to utilize your personal flashlight.
3) If using a computer, turn it off to prevent damage due to power surges, prior to leaving your work area.
4) The Front Desk will check circuit breakers and the main breaker panel and, if the power outage is not attributed to the internal system, will turn off all breaker switches and call the local utility company to report the outage.
5) If it is deemed necessary by the Safety Officer or the facility director, evacuate the building by following evacuation procedures.
6) If evacuation occurs, lock the entrances to the facility to prevent re-entry.
7) The Program Manager or designee will determine whether the site will be shut down and, in consultation with utility company employees and/or other staff, will determine when the building is ready for occupancy.
8) Prior to re-entry, the organization’s Front Desk, in consultation with the utility company, will ensure that the facility is in ready for occupancy by completing the following tasks:
- Re-booting computers
- Switching breaker switches back on
iii. Switching off any emergency power supply that may be in use
- Checking vital equipment to ensure it is working and not damaged
In The Event Of A Medical Emergencies
It is the policy of Bell Eve, INC to provide prompt attention and appropriate assistance to persons served, staff members, and visitors in the event of a medical emergency. All potential emergencies cannot be anticipated; therefore, emergency plans shall provide for adaptability to multiple situations.
- The Safety Officer is responsible for oversight of emergency disaster plans and drills and ensuring that all of the organization’s facilities are well prepared to respond effectively to any emergency.
- Specific procedures will be maintained for medical emergencies. In addition, medical emergency drills will be conducted at each site on an annual basis.
- The overall components of the organization’s medical emergency plan are as follows:
1) A medical emergency is defined as an incident that requires interventions beyond simple first aid available at the facility in order to stabilize a condition that may result in a serious medical outcome. Conditions include, but are not limited to, excessive bleeding, which is unable to be controlled, accidents involving serious injury, failure or obstruction of the respiratory system, failure of the circulatory system, chest pain or severe abdominal pain, loss of consciousness unrelated to predictable seizure activity, or any type of distress that is determined to seriously limit an individual’s normal level of daily functioning.
2) When an event occurs that is determined to be an emergency health care incident, 911 will be immediately called to access emergency personnel to assist and transport the individual to medical services.
3) The organization’s critical incident policy will be followed for all medical emergency events.
4) If determined to support the stabilization of a serious and acute medical condition, staff members who hold current certification in CPR and First Aid will implement CPR and/or First Aid procedures, when appropriate, to stabilize a condition prior to the arrival of external emergency personnel.
5) If the individual is a person served, the Emergency Medical Treatment Form will be accessed, contact made with the emergency contact names, and pertinent information will be given to the transporting emergency technicians. All Emergency Medical Treatment Forms will include:
- Name, address, and telephone number of the physician to be called.
- Name, address, and telephone number of a relative or other person to be notified.
- Medical insurance company name and policy number, or Medicaid/Medicare number.
- Information concerning the use of medication, medication allergies, and significant medical problems.
- Employees will not transport individuals in their personal vehicles and/or the organization’s vehicles in emergency health care situations.
- Following containment of the emergency, a progress note will be completed in the record of the person served and a Critical Incident Report form will be completed.
- If the emergency involves an employee, the designated staff responsible for the sited human resource files will access the Employee Emergency Contact Form. Employee emergency medical forms will include the following information:
- Name and number of primary care physician
- Name and number of emergency contact person
- Allergies and blood type
- Any medical conditions that the employee may deem important and voluntarily disclose on the form that could assist emergency responders, such as medications and physical health conditions.
- Preferred medical treatment location.
- Contact will be made with the emergency contact person named, if requested to do so by the staff member. A contact will always be made if the staff member is incapacitated and unable to request or deny the contact.
- The telephone number of the local poison control center will be posted throughout the organization. All staff members and persons served will be orientated to the location of this information.
- In the event of poisoning or drug ingestion that has caused an acute medical emergency, staff members will call The Program Manager and provide the following information: age and weight of the person, names of the substance(s) ingested, strength, and amount ingested if known, and the general condition of the person. Vomiting or the use of Ipecac syrup will not be used unless specifically directed by personnel of the poison control center.
- Medical clearance must be obtained in writing from the treating physician prior to persons served returning to services, or staff members returning to employment duties, if a medical emergency required a response from emergency responders.
In The Event Of A Hurricane
It is the policy of Bell Eve, INC to provide prompt attention and appropriate assistance to persons served, staff members, and visitors in the event of a medical emergency. All potential emergencies cannot be anticipated; therefore, emergency plans shall provide for adaptability to multiple situations.
- The Safety Officer is responsible for oversight of emergency disaster plans and drills and ensuring that all of the organization’s facilities are well prepared to respond effectively to any emergency.
- Specific procedures will be maintained for medical emergencies. In addition, medical emergency drills will be conducted at each site on an annual basis.
- The overall components of the organization’s medical emergency plan are as follows:
1) A medical emergency is defined as an incident that requires interventions beyond simple first aid available at the facility in order to stabilize a condition that may result in a serious medical outcome. Conditions include, but are not limited to, excessive bleeding, which is unable to be controlled, accidents involving serious injury, failure or obstruction of the respiratory system, failure of the circulatory system, chest pain or severe abdominal pain, loss of consciousness unrelated to predictable seizure activity, or any type of distress that is determined to seriously limit an individual’s normal level of daily functioning.
2) When an event occurs that is determined to be an emergency health care incident, 911 will be immediately called to access emergency personnel to assist and transport the individual to medical services.
3) The organization’s critical incident policy will be followed for all medical emergency events.
4) If determined to support the stabilization of a serious and acute medical condition, staff members who hold current certification in CPR and First Aid will implement CPR and/or First Aid procedures, when appropriate, to stabilize a condition prior to the arrival of external emergency personnel.
5) If the individual is a person served, the Emergency Medical Treatment Form will be accessed, contact made with the emergency contact names, and pertinent information will be given to the transporting emergency technicians. All Emergency Medical Treatment Forms will include:
- Name, address, and telephone number of the physician to be called.
- Name, address, and telephone number of a relative or other person to be notified.
- Medical insurance company name and policy number, or Medicaid/Medicare number.
- Information concerning the use of medication, medication allergies, and significant medical problems.
- Employees will not transport individuals in their personal vehicles and/or the organization’s vehicles in emergency health care situations.
- Following containment of the emergency, a progress note will be completed in the record of the person served and a Critical Incident Report form will be completed.
- If the emergency involves an employee, the designated staff responsible for the sited human resource files will access the Employee Emergency Contact Form. Employee emergency medical forms will include the following information:
- Name and number of primary care physician
- Name and number of emergency contact person
- Allergies and blood type
- Any medical conditions that the employee may deem important and voluntarily disclose on the form that could assist emergency responders, such as medications and physical health conditions.
- Preferred medical treatment location.
- Contact will be made with the emergency contact person named, if requested to do so by the staff member. A contact will always be made if the staff member is incapacitated and unable to request or deny the contact.
- The telephone number of the local poison control center will be posted throughout the organization. All staff members and persons served will be orientated to the location of this information.
- In the event of poisoning or drug ingestion that has caused an acute medical emergency, staff members will call The Program Manager and provide the following information: age and weight of the person, names of the substance(s) ingested, strength, and amount ingested if known, and the general condition of the person. Vomiting or the use of Ipecac syrup will not be used unless specifically directed by personnel of the poison control center.
- Medical clearance must be obtained in writing from the treating physician prior to persons served returning to services, or staff members returning to employment duties, if a medical emergency required a response from emergency responders.